Cloud Connector for zVM 1.0.0 documentation
Welcome to the z/VM Cloud Connector Document
1. General info
1.1. Content of this package
1.2. Version
1.3. Compatibility
1.4. Deprecations
1.5. Bug reporting
1.6. License
2. Introduction
2.1. What is the z/VM Cloud Connector
2.2. Integration Samples
2.3. Internal Architecture
3. Quick Start
3.1. Pre-requirements
3.2. Installation
3.3. Configuration Sample
3.4. Setup for z/VM SDK Daemon
3.5. Start z/VM SDK Daemon
3.6. Verification
4. Setup web server for running RESTful API
4.1. Installation
4.2. Configuration
4.3. Verification
4.4. Token Usage
5. Image and cloud-init Configuration
5.1. Image Requirements
5.2. Make a Deployable Image for z/VM Cloud Connector
5.3. Capture the zLinux to Generate the Image
5.4. Import the Images to z/VM Cloud Connector
6. Basic Usage
6.1. Workflow description
6.2. Usage Sample
7. RESTful APIs
7.1. Response Data Definition
7.2. Version
7.3. Token
7.4. Guest(s)
7.5. Host
7.6. Image(s)
7.7. VSwitch
8. Error Codes and Messages
9. Configuration Options
10. Release Notes
10.1. Release 1.0.0
10.2. Release 0.3.2
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1. General info
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Cloud Connector for zVM 1.0.0 documentation