Quick Start *********** This is the document that describes the installation, configuration, and basic usages of z/VM Cloud Connector. Pre-requirements ================ 1. z/VM Cloud Connector depends on the under-layer z/VM SMAPI support to manage the z/VM objects. For the z/VM Cloud Connector to work normally, the managed z/VM system should be updated to the latest level with APARs listed in the `z/VM service Information`_ installed. .. _z/VM service Information: http://www.vm.ibm.com/sysman/osmntlvl.html .. note:: please make sure you applied http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1VM66120 if z/VM 6.4 is used. 2. z/VM Cloud Connector has to be installed inside a Linux running on z/VM. Currently supported distros include the most current supported versions: - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.x - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS **NOTE**: This guide is based on RHEL 7.2, you may need to adjust the commands on other Linux distros. From now on, BYOL (Bring Your Own Linux) will be used to represent the Linux on which the z/VM Cloud Connector will be run. For the z/VM Cloud Connector to run, the BYOL must have enough free disk space (>100M). And besides that, the following updates need to be made to the BYOL. Preparation on BYOL ------------------- 1. Authorize BYOL user for z/VM SMAPI call. VSMWORK1 AUTHLIST needs to be updated in order to make the BYOL machine be able to issue SMAPI call. Refer to `z/VM Systems Management Application Programming`_ for how to make it. .. note:: It is recommend to consider increase the SMAPI long call server and DIRMAINT DATAMOVE machine if heavy concurrent workload is going to be run through z/VM Cloud connector. See `z/VM Systems Management Application Programming`_ for how to make it. 2. Update BYOL definition for spawning guests. Assume BYOL has its definition on z/VM, it needs to have following statement in its User Directory in order to link disk during stage of spawning guests. .. code-block:: text OPTION LNKNOPAS If under RACF, RACF command need to be executed like below while the ``BYOL`` is the name of the virtual machine which is going to run cloud connector. .. code-block:: text RAC PERMIT BYOL CLASS(VMRDR) ID(VSMWORK1) ACCESS(UPDATE) .. note:: Please note when under RACF (ESM of z/VM) is used, additional setup for SMAPI is needed to make the BYOL able to work. See `z/VM Systems Management Application Programming`_ for how to make it. 3. Update BYOL definition about IUCV Assume BYOL has its definition on z/VM, it needs to have following entry in its User Directory in order to communicate with the managed guests by the IUCV channel .. code-block:: text IUCV ANY See `z/VM Systems Management Application Programming`_ for how to make it. .. _z/VM Systems Management Application Programming: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSB27U_6.4.0/com.ibm.zvm.v640.dmse6/toc.htm 4. Enable reader device In order to get console output of target vm, BYOL's reader device needs to be enabled to receive console output spool files send from target vm Use the following command on BYOL itself to achieve that: .. code-block:: text [root@xxxx ~]# cio_ignore -r 000c [root@xxxx ~]# chccwdev -e 000c Setting device 0.0.000c online Done If something like 'is already online' is returned, it means reader already online and feel free to ignore the warning. 5. Enable punch device In order to spawn guest, BYOL needs to be able to punch files to spawned guests' reader, so the punch device on BYOL needs to be enabled. Use the following command on BYOL itself to achieve that: .. code-block:: text [root@xxxx ~]# cio_ignore -r 000d [root@xxxx ~]# chccwdev -e 000d Setting device 0.0.000d online Done If something like 'is already online' is returned, it means punch already online and feel free to ignore the warning. .. note:: Preparation step 2 and step 3 require to logoff then re-logon the BYOL to make the updates become effective. Installation Requirements ------------------------- The supported Python version includes: - Python 2.7 Installation ============ z/VM zthin install ------------------ zthin is a library written in C that works as part of the z/VM Cloud Connectorworking. It mainly focuses on socket connection from BYOL to z/VM SMAPI(System Management API). z/VM Cloud Connector requires zthin as the backend to communicate with z/VM SMAPI, thus it needs to be installed before installing z/VM Cloud Connector. SSH onto the BYOL as root user, and then follow the following steps: 1. Clone z/VM Cloud Connector build project from github .. code-block:: text # git clone https://github.com/openmainframeproject/build-zvmsdk.git 2. Trigger the build tool The build tool depends on the following commands: *rpmbuild*, *gcc*, so you should make sure these commands are usable on BYOL before running the following build. .. code-block:: text # cd build-zvmsdk # /usr/bin/bash buildzthinrpm_rhel master If this build finishes successfully, the result rpm will be generated in the /root/zthin-build/RPMS/s390x/ directory named in the format *zthin-version-snapdate.s390x.rpm* where *version* is the zthin version number and *date* is the build date. 3. Install the rpm generated in last step .. code-block:: text # rpm -ivh /root/zthin-build/RPMS/s390x/zthin-3.1.0-snap201710300123.s390x.rpm Be sure to replace the *zthin-3.1.0-snap201710300123.s390x.rpm* with your own rpm name. 4. Verify zthin can work .. code-block:: text # /opt/zthin/bin/smcli Image_Query_DM -T opncloud If all things went well, this smcli command should be able to return the directory entry of user OPNCLOUD. If this command failed, you need to check the following items: * The BYOL user is successfully authorized to issue SMAPI call. * The SMAPI server on this z/VM host is working normally. * The zthin rpm is installed without any error. 5. Optionally, Consider to add ``/opt/zthin/bin/`` into $PATH so you can use ``smcli`` command directly. z/VM SDK install ---------------- z/VM SDK is the upper transition layer of z/VM Cloud Connector. It implements the supported SDK APIs by communicating with the zthin backend. 1. **Through RPM/DEB** Under current plan, there is no rpm/deb files to be supported, it might be changed and for now please install through code directly. 2. **Through Source Code directly** * Clone python-zvm-sdk project from github .. code-block:: text # git clone https://github.com/openmainframeproject/python-zvm-sdk.git (If this has been done in the "z/VM zthin install" step, this step can be obsoleted.) * Install z/VM sdk Please ensure to update your setuptools to the latest version before doing this step, the following installation step would rely on it to automatically install the depended python packages. .. code-block:: text # cd python-zvm-sdk # python ./setup.py install .. _`ssh_key`: SSH key authentication between consumer and BYOL server ------------------------------------------------------- For image import/export function, BYOL's running user(eg zvmsdk) needs to authorized by the user of the consumer (eg nova-compute) if they are not in same host. For example, if you want to import/export image from/to nova compute server,please make ensure you can ssh nova@nova-compute-ip without password from zvmsdk user on BYOL server. Refer to the following steps to configure it: Logon to the nova-compute server and change the nova user’s right to be able to log in, and make sure port 22 is open. .. code-block:: text ssh root@nova-compute-ip usermod -s /bin/bash nova where: nova-compute-ip: is the IP address of the nova compute node. Change to nova user and inject the zvmsdk server's public key into it. .. code-block:: text su - nova scp zvmsdk@zvmsdk-ip:/var/lib/zvmsdk/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $HOME mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh mv $HOME/id_rsa.pub $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys where: zvmsdk: is running user of the BYOL server. zvmsdk-ip: is the IP address of the BYOL server Note: If the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file already exists, you just need to append the BYOL’s public key to it. Ensure that the file mode under the $HOME/.ssh folder is 644. .. code-block:: text chmod -R 644 $HOME/.ssh/* Issue the following command to determine if SELinux is enabled on the system. .. code-block:: text getenforce If SELinux is enabled then set SELinux contexts on the nova home directory. .. code-block:: text su - chcon -R -t ssh_home_t nova_home where: nova_home:is the home directory for the nova user on the nova compute server. You can obtain nova_home by issuing: echo ~nova **NOTE:** If the host key of nova-compute server changed, please run the following command on zvmsdk server to clean the cached host key of nova-compute server from zvmsdk server's known_hosts file .. code-block:: text ssh-keygen -R nova-compute-ip Configuration Sample ==================== After z/VM SDK is installed, a file named 'zvmsdk.conf.sample' is generated under the /etc/zvmsdk/ folder. It contains all the supported configurations for z/VM SDK. You can refer to it to create your own configuration file which should be named as zvmsdk.conf. Here's a sample configuration in which several options marked as 'required' should be customized according to your environment. .. code-block:: text [database] dir=/var/lib/zvmsdk/databases/ [image] sdk_image_repository=/var/lib/zvmsdk/images [logging] log_level=INFO log_dir=/var/log/zvmsdk/ [network] # IP address of the Linux machine which is running SDK on. # This config option is required my_ip= [sdkserver] bind_addr= bind_port=2000 max_worker_count=64 [wsgi] auth=none [zvm] # zVM disk pool and type for root/ephemeral disks. # This config option is required disk_pool=ECKD:eckdpool # PROFILE name to use when creating a z/VM guest. # This config option is required user_profile=osdflt # The default maximum number of virtual processers the user can define. user_default_max_cpu=32 # The default maximum size of memory the user can define. user_default_max_memory=64G For the details of all configuration options, please refer to :ref:`configuration options`. Setup for z/VM SDK Daemon ========================= The z/VM Cloud Connector is designed to be run inside a daemon. The daemon server is bond to the configured socket for receiving requests and then call the requested SDK API. The daemon server would be run with user 'zvmsdk' and group 'zvmsdk', the following user and folder setup should be made on BYOL for the z/VM SDK daemon to run. * Create 'zvmsdk' user and group .. code-block:: text # useradd -d /var/lib/zvmsdk/ -m -U -p PASSWORD zvmsdk Replace the *PASSWORD* with your own password for the new created user. * Configure sudo access for 'zvmsdk' user (optional) If z/VM Cloud Connector is installed from source code ``python setup.py install`` or from package install such as deb or rpm, then you can skip this step as it's already done during install stage. The z/VM SDK Daemon relies on some privileged commands for the management of the z/VM host, so you need to grant the 'zvmsdk' user to run following commands with sudo without password: * /usr/sbin/vmcp * /opt/zthin/bin/smcli * /usr/sbin/chccwdev * /usr/sbin/cio_ignore * /usr/sbin/fdasd * /usr/sbin/fdisk * /usr/sbin/vmur * /usr/bin/mount * /usr/bin/umount * /usr/sbin/mkfs * /usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs * /usr/sbin/dasdfmt * /opt/zthin/bin/unpackdiskimage * /opt/zthin/bin/creatediskimage * /opt/zthin/bin/linkdiskandbringonline * /opt/zthin/bin/offlinediskanddetach A sample is given in the following block, copy the content to /etc/sudoers.d/zvmsdk: .. code-block:: text # cat /etc/sudoers.d/zvmsdk zvmsdk ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/vmcp, /opt/zthin/bin/smcli, /usr/sbin/chccwdev, /usr/sbin/cio_ignore, /usr/sbin/fdasd, /usr/sbin/fdisk, /usr/sbin/vmur, /usr/bin/mount, /usr/bin/umount, /usr/sbin/mkfs, /usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs, /usr/sbin/dasdfmt, /opt/zthin/bin/unpackdiskimage, /opt/zthin/bin/creatediskimage, /opt/zthin/bin/linkdiskandbringonline, /opt/zthin/bin/offlinediskanddetach * Setup home directory .. code-block:: text # mkdir -p /var/lib/zvmsdk # chown -R zvmsdk:zvmsdk /var/lib/zvmsdk # chmod -R 755 /var/lib/zvmsdk * Setup log directory The folder to which the z/VM SDK log would be written to can be configured with the 'log_dir' option in 'default' section. By default, the log folder is '/var/log/zvmsdk'. If you have customized the 'log_dir' value, you need to change the folder in following commands accordingly. .. code-block:: text # mkdir -p /var/log/zvmsdk # chown -R zvmsdk:zvmsdk /var/log/zvmsdk # chmod -R 755 /var/log/zvmsdk * Setup configuration directory .. code-block:: text # mkdir -p /etc/zvmsdk # chown -R zvmsdk:zvmsdk /etc/zvmsdk # chmod -R 755 /etc/zvmsdk # ls -l /etc/zvmsdk A file named zvmsdk.conf should be found under /etc/zvmsdk folder and contains at least all the required options before the z/VM SDK daemon can be started. Start z/VM SDK Daemon ===================== Configure the sdkserver service to start automatically at boot by command: .. code-block:: text # systemctl enable sdkserver The z/VM SDK Daemon can be started via the following command: .. code-block:: text # systemctl start sdkserver And make sure the sdkserver service status is 'active (running)' as following: .. code-block:: text # systemctl status sdkserver ● sdkserver.service - zVM SDK API server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sdkserver.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-11-20 00:47:18 EST; 3s ago Main PID: 5779 (sdkserver) CGroup: /system.slice/sdkserver.service └─5779 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/sdkserver Nov 20 00:47:18 0822rhel7 systemd[1]: Started zVM SDK API server. Nov 20 00:47:18 0822rhel7 systemd[1]: Starting zVM SDK API server... Nov 20 00:47:18 0822rhel7 sdkserver[5779]: INFO: [MainThread] SDK server now listening Verification ============ You can verify that the process is listenning on the configured port. For example: .. code-block:: text # netstat -anp | grep 2000 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 56434/python