7. Error Codes and Messages

This is a reference to z/VM Cloud Connector API error codes and messages.

overallRC modID rc rs errmsg
Invalid API Input        
100 400 100 1 Invalid API arg count, API: %(api)s, %(expected)d expected while %(provided)d provided.
100 400 100 2 Invalid API arg type, API: %(api)s, expected types: ‘%(expected)s’, input types: ‘%(inputtypes)s’
100 400 100 3 Invalid API arg format, error: %(msg)s
Operation on Guest failed        
300 10 300 1 Database operation failed, error: %(msg)s
300 10 300 2 Failed to add mdisks when creating guest, error: %(msg)s
300 10 300 3 Failed to deploy image to userid: ‘%(userid)s’, unpackdiskimage failed with rc: %(unpack_rc)d, error: %(err)s
300 10 300 4 Failed to deploy image to userid: ‘%(userid)s’, copy config drive to local failed with rc: %(cp_rc)d
300 10 300 5 Failed to capture userid %(userid)s to generate image, error: %(msg)s
Operation on Network failed        
300 20 300 1 Database operation failed, error: %(msg)s
300 20 300 2 ZVMSDK network error: %(msg)s
300 20 300 3 Failed to couple nic %(nic)s to vswitch %(vswitch)s on the active guest system, error: %(couple_err)s, and failed to revoke user direct’s changes, error: %(revoke_err)s
300 20 300 4 Failed to create nic %(nic)s for %(userid)s on the active guest system, error: %(create_err)s, and failed to revoke user direct’s changes, error: %(revoke_err)s
300 20 300 5 Failed to actively change network setting for user %(userid)s, error: %(msg)s
Operation on Volume failed        
300 30 300 1 Database operation failed, error: %(msg)s
300 30 300 3 Volume %(vol)s has already been attached on instance %(inst)s
300 30 300 4 Volume %(vol)s is not attached on instance %(inst)s
Operation on Image failed        
300 40 300 1 Database operation failed, error: %(msg)s
300 40 300 2 No image schema found for %(schema)s
300 40 300 3 Image import error: Failed to calculate the md5sum of the image
300 40 300 4 Image import error: The md5sum after import is not same as source image, it is possible that the image has been broken during import
300 40 300 5 Image import error: Failed to get the root disk size units of the image via hexdump
300 40 300 6 Image import error: The header of image does not contain built-in disk size units
300 40 300 7 Image import error: The image’s disk type is not valid. Currently only FBA or CKD type image is supported
300 40 300 8 Image import error: Failed to get the physical size of image in bytes
300 40 300 9 Import image from http server failed with reason %(err)s
300 40 300 10 Image import error: Copying image file from remote filesystem failed with error %(err)s
300 40 300 11 The specified remote_host %(rh)s format invalid
300 40 300 12 Import image from local file system failed with error %(err)s
300 40 300 13 Image import error: image name %(img)s already exist in image database
300 40 300 20 The image record of %(img)s does not exist
300 40 300 21 Image Export error: Failed to copy image file to remote host with reason: %(msg)s
300 40 300 22 Export image to local file system failed: %(err)s
Operation on Monitor failed        
300 50 300 1 Database operation failed, error: %(msg)s
REST API Request error        
400 120 400   REST API Request error
The operated object does not exist        
404 None 404 1 %(obj_desc)s does not exist.
The operated object status conflict        
409 None 409   The operated object status conflict
The operated object is deleted        
410 None 410   The operated object is deleted
ZVM SDK Internal Error        
500 None 500 1 Unexpected internal error in ZVM SDK, error: %(msg)s
smut errors        
2 1 2 99 ULT%s0311E On %s, command sent through IUCV failed, rc in response string is not an integer. cmd: %s, rc: %s, out: %s
2 1 2 99 ULT%s0312E On %s, command sent through IUCV failed, reason code in response string is not an integer. cmd: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, out: %s
2 1 1 None ULT%s0313E On %s, command sent through IUCV was not authorized or a generic Linux error occurred. cmd: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, out: %s
2 1 2 None ULT%s0314E IUCV client parameter error sending command to %s. cmd: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, out: %s
2 1 4 None ULT%s0315E IUCV socket error sending command to %s. cmd: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, out: %s
2 1 8 None ULT%s0316E On %s, command sent through IUCV failed. cmd: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, out: %s
2 1 16 None ULT%s0317E File transport failure while processing command for %s. cmd: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, out: %s
2 1 32 None ULT%s0318E On %s, IUCV server file was not found. cmd: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, out: %s
2 1 None None ULT%s0319E Unrecognized IUCV client error encountered while sending a command through IUCV to $s. cmd: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, out: %s
3 1 415 None ULT%s0415E Command failed: ‘%s’, rc: %i out: %s
4 1 4 1 ULT%s0001E %s %s subfunction’s operand at position %i (%s) is not an integer: %s
4 1 4 2 ULT%s0002E %s’s %s subfunction is missing positional operand (%s) at position %i.
4 1 4 3 ULT%s0003E %s’s %s subfunction %s keyword operand is missing a value.
4 1 4 4 ULT%s0004E %s’s %s subfunction %s keyword operand is not an integer: %s
4 1 4 5 ULT%s0005E %s’s %s subfunction does not recognize keyword: %s
4 1 4 6 ULT%s0006E %s’s %s subfunction encountered an unknown operand: %s
4 1 4 7 ULT%s0007E Unrecognized function: %s
4 1 4 8 ULT%s0008E Specified function is not ‘HELP’ or ‘VERSION’: %s
4 1 4 9 ULT%s0009E Too few arguments specified.
4 1 4 10 ULT%s0010E Userid is missing
4 1 4 11 ULT%s0011E Subfunction is missing. It should be one of the following: %s
4 1 4 12 ULT%s0012E The request data is not one of the supported types of list or string: %s
4 1 4 13 ULT%s0010E The desired state was: %s. Valid states are: %s
4 1 4 14 ULT%s0014E The option %s was specified but the option %s was not specified. These options must both be specified.
4 1 4 15 ULT%s0015E The file system was not ‘ext2’, ‘ext3’, ‘ext4’, ‘xfs’ or ‘swap’: %s
4 1 4 16 ULT%s0016E The scp Data Type was not ‘hex’, ‘ebcdic’, or ‘delete’: %s
4 1 4 17 ULT%s0017W The maxwait time %i sec is not evenly divisible by the poll interval %i sec. Maximum wait time will be %i sec or %i poll intervals.
4 1 4 200 ULT%s0200E The size of the disk is not valid: %s
4 1 4 201 ULT%s0201E Failed to convert %s to a number of blocks.
4 1 4 202 ULT%s0202E %s is not an integer size of blocks.
4 1 4 203 ULT%s0203E Failed to convert %s to a number of cylinders.
4 1 4 204 ULT%s0204E %s is not an integer size of cylinders.
4 1 4 400 ULT%s0400E The worker script %s does not exist.
4 1 7 401 ULT%s0401E Failed to punch %s file to guest: %s, out: %s
4 1 5 402 ULT%s0402E No information was found for the specified pool(s): %s
4 1 99 403 ULT%s0403E Failed to purge reader file %s, out: %s
4 1 8 404 ULT%s0404E Failed to spool the punch to the specified class %s, out:%s
4 1 6 405 ULT%s0405E Unable to obtain information related to: %s. Command used was: %s. Output was: %s
4 1 9 406 ULT%s0406E Failed to punch %s because of VMUR timeout
4 1 4 407 ULT%s0407W Unable to spool reader to all classes, it is possible that there may be additional console files available that are not listed in the response. Response from %s is %s
4 1 4 408 ULT%s0408E Error getting list of files in the reader to search for logs from user %s. Response from %s is %s
4 1 4 409 ULT%s0409E Unable to get console log for user %s. The userid is either: not logged on, not spooling its console, or has not created any console output. Error rc=rs=8 returned from Image_Console_Get.
4 1 4 410 ULT%s0410E Unable to get console log for user %s no spool files were found in our reader from this user, it is possible another process has already received them.
4 1 4 411 ULT%s0411E Unable to receive console output file. Reader not online. /sys/bus/ccw/drivers/vmur/0.0.000c/online = 0
4 1 4 412 ULT%s0412E Malformed reply from SMAPI, unable to fill in performance information, exception: %s, details: %s, Response: %s
4 1 4 423 ULT%s0423W Unable to spool reader to all classes, it is possible that there may be additional console files available that are not listed in the response. Command: %s, exception %s, details %s. Will attempt to continue processing.
4 1 4 424 ULT%s0424E Failed to transfer %s file to guest: %s, out: %s
8 1 None None ULT%s0300E SMAPI API failed: %s, overall rc: %s, rc: %s, rs: %s, errno: %s, cmd: %s, out: %s
25 1 301 0 ULT%s0301E SMAPI API failed: %s, response header does not have the expected 3 values before the (details) string. cmd: %s, response header: %s, out: %s
25 1 302 0 ULT%s0302E SMAPI API failed: %s, word 1 in the response header is not an integer or in the range of expected values. word 1: %s, cmd: %s, response header: %s, out: %s
25 1 303 0 ULT%s0303E SMAPI API failed: %s, word 2 in the response header is not an integer. word 2: %s, cmd: %s, response header: %s, out: %s
25 1 304 0 ULT%s0304E SMAPI API failed: %s, word 3 in the response header is not an integer. word 3: %s, cmd: %s, response header: %s, out: %s
99 1 305 0 ULT%s0305E Exception received on an attempt to communicate with SMAPI, cmd: %s, exception: %s, details: %s
99 1 99 413 ULT%s0413E Userid ‘%s’ did not enter the expected operating system state of ‘%s’ in %i seconds.
99 1 99 414 ULT%s0414E Userid ‘%s’ did not enter the expected virtual machine state of ‘%s’ in %i seconds.
99 1 99 416 ULT%s0416E Command returned a response containing ‘%s’ but did not have at least %i words following it. cmd: ‘%s’, out: ‘%s’
99 1 99 417 ULT%s0417E Command did not return the expected response containing ‘%s’, cmd: ‘%s’, out: ‘%s’
99 1 99 418 ULT%s0418E Userid %s is not logged on to this system.
99 1 99 419 ULT%s0419E A relocation is not in progress for userid %s.
99 1 99 420 ULT%s0420E An error occurred issuing a %s for userid %s. Please look up message(s): %s in the CP Messages book for more information.
99 1 421 0 ULT%s0421E Exception received on an attempt to execute a cmd: %s, exception: %s, details: %s
99 1 422 0 ULT%s0422W Exception received on an attempt to execute a cmd: %s, exception: %s, details: %s. Will attempt to continue processing.